Sunday, November 11, 2012
Oxiclean 幫忙打擊皂垢
最後一次使用過這個產品, 至少是七年前了。 當時的使用方法, 就是用冷水洗衣服時在洗衣機裡加上一匙。 用完一桶, 覺得沒有效果, 就沒有再買過了。
直到做了手工皂, 為了手皂的洗淨力, 讀到含氧漂白劑這篇文章, 就想再試用oxiclean 看看。
剛 好遇上上次在Costco 有減少4美元的促銷契機, 買了一盒12.5lb的包裝。 這次就好好讀了說明, 先用熱水溶解 、起泡, 在洗有色的衣物中 加入溶解的 Oxiclean, 洗淨成果很卓著! 請見下面的四段影片。 現在洗好的的深色衣物幾乎不產生皂垢。
1 ↑在爐子上學著用熱水溶解 Oxiclean 時碰上好幾次泡沫溢出, 花了半小時擦拭。 清理完溢出的滑膩泡沫後, 手覺得非常乾燥, 手掌甚至有點痛。 因禍得福。 這才知道, 雙氧漂白水真的可以清除頑垢!! 最後還用 Oxiclean在洗地毯上 。
2 買後初次試用Oxiclean 時, 是先使用在白色衣物上。 那時就覺得對提升肥皂的洗淨力有效了。 這次使用在深色衣物, 皂垢已經減少。
3 決定再次使用軟水劑, 再用清水沖一次。
4 曬乾後, 還是有少許皂垢的白色痕跡。 在這次之後洗深色衣物時, 減少 1/3肥皂量, 再追增一匙 Oxiclean。 現在的黑色褲子, 已經沒有皂垢的困擾了。
這是將Oxiclean 使用在 Hoover steam cleaner的紀錄。 洗地毯時, 腳掌接觸到洗地毯的清潔劑時有滑滑的感覺, 就是雙氧水輕微腐蝕皮膚的情形。
Some note from googling :
Natural Choices is operated by Catherine and her husband, Marion (Mack).After researching available cleaning product technologies she knew that she could offer consumers safer to use cleaning products at a reasonable price.
Natural Choices also markets Orange Power, a concentrated linonene (orange oil) cleaner and (soon) Oxy-Prime and Oxy-Prime Plus Laundry detergents. I mean, if this housewife can do it, anybody can - for free.A little more searching turned up the following stain removal tip:
1 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide
1 teaspoon of ammonia
Use within 1/2 hour of mixing. Solution is no good after that.
Dab the mixture onto the stain. Take white paper towel (do not use a paper towel with a colored design) and place the paper towel over the stain.
Weigh it down with something. Leave for 2 to 3 hours. Lift, and the stain will be gone.
Ok, so these product (OxiClean and Oxy-Boost) can't remove grease and grease stain. This is good info to know - I think that is why this same company also sells Orange Power, and the company that sells OxiClean has Orange Clean.So what have we learned? We have learned that these products consist of nothing more that hydrogen peroxide and baking powder, in a solid form, that when activated
with water, release oxygen, which can clean just about any organic (non-greasy) stain.
I found that Sodium Percarbonate is actually considered a "staple" in the janitorial business. It was noted to be an "extremely soluble color safe bleach base" and "excellent for liquid injection systems" - otherwise known as a steam vacuum cleaner - aka, the Rug Doctor.
今天用電話到處問看看 Tucson 誰有賣Sodium Percarbonate。 一般賣清潔公司的供應商都沒賣這種化學原料(Tucson Industrial, Waxie, Grand Canyon Janitor supply)。 這裡一家叫Hill Brother 的化工公司有生產純 Sodium Percarbonate, 但只賣給 established customer (下流廠商)。
去 Leslie Swimming Pool Supply 發現它賣清洗強度為7.5% 的液態雙氧水 這大概是最接近的產品(shock plus 清潔產品系列性質有點接近)。 看來還是要買所謂的含氧漂白粉了!?目前看到最便宜的大概是這裡 BioKleen Percarbonate Oxygen Bleach, 50-Pound Box。
The Green seems to be a good place for green products.(USD98.39)
11/15/12 收到Amazon Marketplace 賣方GoodHumans回信 因為有買方的訂單缺貨退單留了一筆負評 我送伊媚問過是否有 BioKleen Percarbonate Oxygen Bleach, 50-Pound Box (USD112.44)的貨
Hi ,
Thanks for letting me know about the negative comment. I had not noticed that.
That comment was left because we did not have stock in a Hemp Purse and we had to cancel that person's order. The reason we ran out of stock was due to theft. Then it took me a little while to update the system with the inventory changes. We do have stock in that item again and I was able to get that negative comment removed ;>)
The Oxygen Bleach is something that we do not stock. It is drop shipped by the manufacturer. It is usually shipped within a week or two of when we receive the order.
I hope this answers your questions. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any further questions, comments, or feedback.
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